Slough Safeguarding Children Partnership

Policies and Procedures

Pan Berkshire Child Protection Procedures

The Pan Berkshire Child Protection Procedures set out the roles and responsibilities, processes and guidance for multi-agency working in child protection and related areas. They are based on current legislation and guidance, such as Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 and the Children Act 2004. Professionals and volunteers that are or may be involved in protection of children should develop a good working knowledge and understanding of these procedures. 

See also:

Berkshire Bruising Protocol for non mobile children

Introduction and Context
Bruising is the most common presenting feature of physical abuse in children therefore bruising in a child of any age is a matter for enquiry and concern. While a high proportion of bruising in older children will be of accidental origin, bruising in children who are not independently mobile (that is not crawling, pulling to stand, walking or confined by disability) is highly predictive of maltreatment. 

Serious Case Reviews and individual child protection cases across Berkshire have indicated that staff and volunteers have sometimes
underestimated, or not recognised the potential for physical abuse in children who are not independently mobile. The agreed Bruising Protocol should be used for any non mobile children residing in Berkshire who present with bruising.