Slough Safeguarding Adults Partnership

Local processes

Policy and Procedures

The Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures aim to ensure that staff respond consistently and appropriately to all concerns of abuse and neglect. Staff and managers should refer to the online version as they are regularly updated.

Home fire safety check

Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service website gives advice on whether someone qualifies for a free home fire safety check and information about how to reduce the risk of fire in people's homes. The Fire and Rescue Service also provide training on fire safety awareness.

Information Sharing Protocol

The Berkshire Information Sharing Protocol covers all of the agencies that form the Slough Safeguarding Adults Board. The Protocol offers guidance to front-line staff in assessing possible risk to adults, and in balancing the risk against the rights to confidentiality and privacy.  See also the Government's Seven Golden Rules for Information Sharing.

Resolving Professional disagreements about Safeguarding Adults

This policy provides practitioners with the steps to raise concerns they have about decisions made by other professionals or agencies by:

  • Avoiding disputes that put adults at further risk or take away focus from the adult.
  • Resolving the difficulties between agencies quickly and openly.
  • Identifying problem areas in working together where there is a lack of clarity and to promote the resolution via amendment to protocols and procedures.

Mental Health Crisis Interagency Joint Working Protocol

When people present to the Police in a mental ill health crisis state, working together with health and social care partners is a priority. All professionals agree to ensure that the welfare and dignity of the patient is at the heart of any negotiation. The Protocol can be found here.

Working with people who do not engage with services

Adults at risk who, for whatever reason, do not engage with services can have complex and diverse needs that often fall between different agencies; their needs are generally longstanding and recurring and put themselves and others at high risk.  Multi Agency Risk Framework

Multi-agency High Risk Escalation panel

For cases where practitioners are concerned about the level of risk surrounding Adults and adolescents who are about to become adults, who have complex and dicers needs and do not access services. Practitioners have had multi-agency meetings using the safeguarding processes, community trigger meetings or multi-agency risk tool (MART) framework and have completed all agreed actions, but a high level of risk remains. The multi-agency high risk escalation panel process should be used to ensure Senior management oversight of these high risk and complex cases to ensure every effort has been made to manage the risks amongst the professionals and voluntary community. Multi-agency High Risk Escalation panel

Pressure care 

The pressure care pathway is included as Appendix 5 of the Berkshire Policy and Procedures. These leaflets give advice on how to prevent pressure ulcers: React to red & What happens if you don’t move around enough

Useful Links

If you are worried about an adult at risk of abuse or neglect

Call 01753 475111 or email

Safeguarding Training video

The Safeguarding Partnership has produced a video about Safeguarding basics during COVID-19.  Click on this Link to access.

National helplines

Samaritans: 116 123
Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247
Mind: 0300 123 3393
Age UK: 0800 169 6565

Thinking of volunteering? Click on this link:

Video for those volunteering in Slough on THIS LINK

Video for those volunteering and new to safeguarding on THIS LINK