Children’s Child Protection Case Conferences - Practice development - (Level 3 intercollegiate guidance)
Children’s Child Protection Case Conferences - Practice Development
Represents 2 hours CPD. (Level 3 intercollegiate guidance.)
Also acts as a refresher course
This is a two hour course and runs from 10:00-12:15
Janine Edwards, EOB Safeguarding Training Solutions & Harvinder Rajasansi, Slough Children First Conference Chair
Maximum Capacity:
Target Group:
Staff and volunteers who work directly with children and families and would attend Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups. This includes social workers, police officers and referrers.
Aims and Objectives
To develop professional competencies in the workforce in the application of practice standards around Multi agency contributions to Child Protection Case Conferences.
Learning outcomes: At the end of the seminar, practitioners will be able to:
Apply practice standards in relation to Case Conferences
Ensure child is the focus of the conference
Understand the roles and responsibilities of conference attendees
Overcome common barriers/challenges to achieving those standards.
Please note:
We have had to impose a £100 no show fee and we will notify your safeguarding partnership board representative if you fail to attend.
Closing dates are 1 week prior to the event.
Confirmation of place will be confirmed within 5 working days and final confirmations are sent one week in advance.
There are currently no dates for this event.