Slough Safeguarding Children Partnership

Useful Resources

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Free online Course - An Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) and Early Trauma

The following link provides access to a free online course funded by the Home Office Intervention Fund.  It takes approximately 50 minutes, and covers Introductions to ACE's Brain development, Stress Responses, Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and Resilience.


Report writing for positive engagement with young people - the language we use!

Luke Rodgers reminds us about the language we use when writing reports.  He reminds us to avoid stigmas and labels.  Remember children can request their reports when they are 18+.  This YouTube clip reminds us to keep this in mind when aiming for positive interactions with children.


The table below shows comments from a professional report and a child’s rationale of what was going on for him!

Watch the YouTube clip for more insight!

 Professional report Child’s version aged 14, now an adult

At risk of absconding

I was late home and I was reported as missing

Persistent young offender with offences including burglary and affray

I took my PlayStation from my dad’s house when he was at work.  Dad found out and attacked me in the street
Known to deal and been caught with drugs at school I tried cannabis with friends at school, I was just experimenting – My friends got a slap on the wrist, I got a record for being a dealer
Low school attendance and disengages from other pupils

I had been to 11 primary schools and felt like I was always losing friends

Isolates himself in his room, we are seeking psychological assessment as we think it links to early childhood trauma

I hide away because everyone reminds me that my stepdad beat me

Hard to build a rapport as he can be guarded and closed

I don’t feel as if anyone will ever love me




Child Sexual Abuse - Information from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation

With children spending more time online, it is even more important to ensure they are kept safe. It’s not always easy to know how to spot the warning signs of abuse in both adults and children, or to know how to start difficult conversations.

To help families, The Lucy Faithfull Foundation have made 12 films that aim to inform parents, carers and professionals about the risks of child sexual abuse, how to prevent harm from happening in the first place, and where to get help if something has already happened

The films cover topics such as ‘Understanding child sexual abuse’, ‘The effects of sexual abuse on children’, ‘Why children don’t tell about abuse’ and ‘What to do if you suspect abuse’. There’s also information on the warning signs of abuse in both children and adults, and how to make a family safety plan.

 You can watch the films on their Parents Protect website now.


Child Drug Exploitation – Rob and Tyrone’s story

 You can watch the video here

This story focuses on Rob and Tyrone and touches on an experience of child drug exploitation. The plot and characters were created by young people during workshops with SAFE.

 The video is designed to be accessed directly by young people, as well as for use in a classroom setting, or as a resource for one-to-one support. Safe have produced a set of lesson plans for key stages 3 and 4 which include PowerPoint presentations and resources, and accompanying teacher notes. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the lesson plans for use in school or a youth work setting, please contact Safe directly by completing this form


Online Harm - Guides for professionals and a Guide for parents.

The Marie Collins Foundation and NWG Network have published two guides aimed at reducing online harm for children and young people. The Online Sexual Harm Reduction Guide is aimed at professionals and includes information about: why young people don't always speak out and responding to online harm. The guide aimed at parents, How Can I Help My Child?, includes information on: what online harm is; how to respond; and getting help from others.

Access the guides: Help for parents and professionals